Life was beautiful…
Roberto benigni’s best creation…and I spoiled it by referring it in past tense…as if the evergreen movie isn’t evergreen any more.. !!
No offence wotsoever.. I just needed something to start the plot..and I couldn’t think of a better title than this one…that so very is synonymous with my present mindset..
Life was indeed beautiful… rewinding my life tape I could hardly see the traces of loneliness or for that matter emptiness… its tough to not let imaginations flow… how hard I hard I try not to think of past…the wonderful unbound memoirs of different relationships keeps flashing by …relationships-most of them without any name…
The rare cordial relationships…which I couldn’t see nowhere around now.. strange faces… smiles subdued in the concrete minds..
When I see the empty walls… the rewind tapes roll again.. I remember our creative wall..the ones we called walls of democracy… the cards flashing by..the gifts hanging around.. many nostalgic photos..and numerous to-do notes…not to forget our very own jipis different passport size photo collection..which made people smile even in the time of distress…
The rewind tapes never cease to flash by… the numerous get togethes we were a part of.. the similar faces.. the ceaseless bonding..the trash talks..
the anarchy in the streets which is nowhere to be seen now… the a-z vendors… the shouts of different ppl… the maddening crowd… the rini symond voice flash sayng "this is vidhan sabha metro station...the doors will open on the left"
..late night movies...between which most of the time jipi falls asleep…n after finishing the movie I narrate her the entire plot even in her deepest sleep… n with u not here I don’t feel like watching anything…
Atri’s Friday call…his updates on new movie releases…dragging us to the silliest of movies… is all part of the rewinding tape now…
Roberto benigni’s best creation…and I spoiled it by referring it in past tense…as if the evergreen movie isn’t evergreen any more.. !!
No offence wotsoever.. I just needed something to start the plot..and I couldn’t think of a better title than this one…that so very is synonymous with my present mindset..
Life was indeed beautiful… rewinding my life tape I could hardly see the traces of loneliness or for that matter emptiness… its tough to not let imaginations flow… how hard I hard I try not to think of past…the wonderful unbound memoirs of different relationships keeps flashing by …relationships-most of them without any name…
The rare cordial relationships…which I couldn’t see nowhere around now.. strange faces… smiles subdued in the concrete minds..
When I see the empty walls… the rewind tapes roll again.. I remember our creative wall..the ones we called walls of democracy… the cards flashing by..the gifts hanging around.. many nostalgic photos..and numerous to-do notes…not to forget our very own jipis different passport size photo collection..which made people smile even in the time of distress…
The rewind tapes never cease to flash by… the numerous get togethes we were a part of.. the similar faces.. the ceaseless bonding..the trash talks..
the anarchy in the streets which is nowhere to be seen now… the a-z vendors… the shouts of different ppl… the maddening crowd… the rini symond voice flash sayng "this is vidhan sabha metro station...the doors will open on the left"
..late night movies...between which most of the time jipi falls asleep…n after finishing the movie I narrate her the entire plot even in her deepest sleep… n with u not here I don’t feel like watching anything…
Atri’s Friday call…his updates on new movie releases…dragging us to the silliest of movies… is all part of the rewinding tape now…
me and jipi's fight for the lappie..the nonsensical discussions concerning the virtual world... the spying and the giggles...
2314/5..the protected roof…our guardian in the time of chaos..where we witnessed the best times of our life…
Hopefully everything will be same again… with new life .. new ppl will make the life beautiful again… but the void will remain forever.. hope something would have never changed… only if I could make time static again!